Upcoming Event: Phantasialand Wintertraum 2017

Every year, the unofficial field trip to Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany) takes place in December. The magical park will be set in a winter theme, called Wintertraum. This year, we have reached the highest attendance level ever: around 80 students, divided over more than 20 cars, will drive to Brühl and experience Phantasialand in a breathtaking winter setting. Will you be joining us next year? Come … Continue reading Upcoming Event: Phantasialand Wintertraum 2017

Discover Languages

During the third year, the Attractions & Theme Parks Management get the opportunity to have a language course. The options are French and German. The language courses are given to better the chances in the industry for the students. Both languages are given in a beginner’s level and advanced level. French During French class, the language is given to study convenient texts that can be … Continue reading Discover Languages