Who wants to go to Attractions Tech?

attractions-tech-at-ISE-2020-events-page-1068x580attractionsTECH (Friday 14th of February in Amsterdam) is the third partnership between Blooloop and ISE. The half day conference will explore how state-of-the-art technology is enabling theme parks, museums and cultural and heritage attractions to develop increasingly sophisticated and immersive experiences. ATPM students could visit this one-day conference for free. If you are interested, please send a email to Goof Lukken via lukken.g@buas.nl

Charles Read, Managing Director of blooloop, says: “A key development in the attractions industry has seen many theme parks and visitor attractions utilising sophisticated technologies to make their rides and attractions even more engaging and memorable for the visitor. This conference represents a great opportunity to hear from the operators and tech companies helping transform this business.”

attractionsTECH will explore examples of successful rides, exhibits and attractions and see contributions from the operators and the leading players behind their creation. Key technologies discussed will be cutting edge AV applications from coasters to artainment and big screen immersion, to tech in travel and attraction design. We will also attempt to improvise a ride concept design from scratch during the conference!

Design a theme park ride in a morning!

The event includes industry leading speakers discussing the technologies that impact attractions today. Topics include:
Key trends in attractions technology
Meet Vincent: Cutting-edge cultural concepts and impactful experiences in Artainment
Family entertainment & the attractions of the future: Disruptive technologies transforming the
Big-screen immersion: Inclusive immersive experiences for large audiences
The challenges and future of integrating AV and multimedia with coasters
Designing digital attractions – LIVE!
Event to be held at the Hotel Okura between 9am and 1pm followed by a networking lunch.

More info on: https://blooloop.com/event/attractionstech-by-blooloopat-ise-2020/


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