Minor: Storytelling and Consumer Experiences

One of the minors that is offered at the Academy for Leisure is “Storytelling and Consumer Experiences”. In this article I will explain the content and the current projects that we are doing. Changes Since the start of this academic year there were many changes throughout the entire NHTV regarding minors and graduating. The minors changed in length which make it easier to do, for … Continue reading Minor: Storytelling and Consumer Experiences

Project 3: storytelling in zoos

Teacher and student were always the connection between zoos and visitors. Nowadays, a shift is visible from education to experience. Storytelling remains a widely used tool in creating experiences in all leisure activities. Zoos worldwide and their stories were the final topics the last project revolved around. Closely involved in the process of concept development were our supervisors, Goof Lukken and Bart Stadhouders, who provided … Continue reading Project 3: storytelling in zoos

Erik Van Vliet

Interview with Erik van Vliet, Dutch zoo designer

One of the last commissioners of the second year students of ATPM was Dierenpark Amersfoort. Here we met zoo designer Erik van Vliet. He has designed almost every enclosure in Dierenpark Amersfoort but also in many of other European zoos. The interview is in Dutch, however, it includes English subtitles. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5DmQWVeFqk] Click here if you cannot see the video     Continue reading Interview with Erik van Vliet, Dutch zoo designer