Minor presentation at Europa-Park

After months of hard work is was time to go back to Europa-Park and show them our findings. 16 students divided over three project groups have worked on a loyalty program, a new themed area and improving the communication tools for the Dutch market. The students left Monday morning to drive to Rust. After the check-in we had a backstage tour. During this tour we … Continue reading Minor presentation at Europa-Park

Minor: Storytelling and Consumer Experiences

One of the minors that is offered at the Academy for Leisure is “Storytelling and Consumer Experiences”. In this article I will explain the content and the current projects that we are doing. Changes Since the start of this academic year there were many changes throughout the entire NHTV regarding minors and graduating. The minors changed in length which make it easier to do, for … Continue reading Minor: Storytelling and Consumer Experiences

Moment of truth, presenting for the commissioner

After weeks of doing research, analyzing data and developing a marketing & communications plan it was time to present our concept to Europa-Park. The park was represented by Henk Groenen, he is in charge of the marketing in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. After we’ve welcomed Mr. Groenen it was time for the presentation. Due to the confidentiality of this project we can’t go fully in-depth … Continue reading Moment of truth, presenting for the commissioner