Introducing: Hans Rozemeijer

“My name is Hans Rozemeijer and I am a lecturer in the Attractions & Theme Parks Management track. The subjects I lecture in are Hospitality & Guestology, Operations Management and Change Management. I started my work for NHTV in 2014 at the Academy For Hotel & Facility management. With my background as  food and beverage manager, general manager and facility manager in several service organizations, it’s a … Continue reading Introducing: Hans Rozemeijer

Introducing: Joyce Krielen

“My name is Joyce Krielen and I am a lecturer within the Attractions & Theme Parks Management track. I lecture and coach in project 5, which is a Revenue Management & Finance course in which students are making investment choices to increase the profitability of a business. Besides this, I am coordinating year 3 of Attractions & Theme Parks Management and supervise placements and graduating students. I work … Continue reading Introducing: Joyce Krielen

Introducing: Bart Stadhouders

“My name is Bart Stadhouders and I am a lecturer within the Attractions & Theme Parks Management track. The courses that I lecture in are Fundamentals of Storytelling, Professional Development & Leadership, Placement coordination and Change Management. I started working for NHTV in January 2014. Before NHTV, I worked in strategy consultancy on sustainability and for a provincial organization called Vrijetijdshuis Brabant (now VisitBrabant). I am involved … Continue reading Introducing: Bart Stadhouders