Discover Languages

During the third year, the Attractions & Theme Parks Management get the opportunity to have a language course. The options are French and German. The language courses are given to better the chances in the industry for the students. Both languages are given in a beginner’s level and advanced level.


During French class, the language is given to study convenient texts that can be used in the future. First, the students had to learn vocabulary and have the words spoken out so that the pronunciation was well enough to understand. The first test was to see if the students were capable of having a conversation in French, using the vocabulary that was studied. After half a year, the students were able to give a full on presentation about Europa-Park in French. The advanced students were given the opportunity to give the presentation about the marketing plan they were writing for Europa-Park at that time. All students passed the language course!


 The students who chose German as their second language were divided into two groups. The beginners and the advanced group. The beginners started with basic German classes. The advanced started with a short recap and were mainly focused on expanding their vocabulary. Trough out  the course their were four tests, two written exams and two oral exams. The final presentation was, as for French, related to the project of Europa-Park. 

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