Minor selection

The third year Attractions & Theme Parks Management students have had a difficult moment: choosing a minor for the fourth (and final) year. For them, Attractions & Theme Parks Management has almost come to an end.

Storytelling and Consumer Behavior

This minor is organized by one of the three knowledge groups of Academy for Leisure: storytelling and consumer experiences. This knowledge group is active in education and research. The central theme within education and research is understanding, measuring, designing, marketing and managing meaningful (leisure) experiences. In order to create meaningful experiences, it is essential to have a deep understanding of several topics or concepts, such as:

  • Storytelling (phenomenon, meaning making devise, identity)
  • Experience
  • Decision-making behaviour
  • Customer loyalty
  • On-line marketing and social media
  • Neuromarketing
  • Co-creation
  • Value
  • Health and well-being.

Efteling Academy

The Efteling Academy is a talent development program since 2009. It is a Dutch spoken minor and NHTV broad, but the focus is on (International) Leisure Management, International Media & Entertainment Management and Tourism Management. You will be immersed in Efteling DNA and an Efteling brand. There is close interactions with staff from the Efteling (e.g. Imagineering and Research). This minor is set up to gain optimal practical, creative and research experience in the field of imagineering and storytelling, but also branding, marketing and project management. It is possible to do an individual thesis (graduation) at the Efteling, also outside imagineering departments.

Other minors

Of course, there is an opportunity to do other minors within the NHTV or even outside the NHTV. One of the students is trying to get into Newways, a student company that helps organizing study trips for all NHTV students. There are so many options!

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